
“Participating in GIM through Sierra and Carol’s institute has brought me into communication with my deeper knowing and wisdom and that has made ALL the difference.”  In gratitude,Barb Davis, LPC, FAMI, Primary Trainer




GIM touches the soul, inspires the mind, and nourishes the body through the unconditional presence of music and a skillful practitioner. To learn GIM, one must be ready to open to a deep level of self-awareness. As I teach GIM , I witness the transformational process of GIM unfolding in each participant.  It fills me with awe and gratitude every time.”
Erin Johnson, LPC, FAMI, Primary Trainer



“When I was introduced to GIM I felt the music reach in and connect so many things inside me. I was amazed at it’s power to uncover, heal, and transform my life. It felt like it was a   sacred honor to become a co-therapist with the music.  Now as a clinician and primary trainer I feel a sense of ongoing discovery and continue to find this to be the most profound therapeutic method I have ever had the privilege to teach”. Namaste, Cara Marinucci, LPC, FAMI,Primary Trainer



“I started GIM training because I found that traditional talk therapy was not providing my clients the opportunity to move forward on their journey to wholeness.  Suddenly, while in the training, I found myself reconnecting with my own growth process. Furthermore I began to deepen into becoming a better overall therapist. After years of being a more traditional therapist I found that working with GIM enables a client a more accelerated as well as deeper and more lasting experience in their healing journey.”
Brenda E. Burgner, LCSW, FAMI


A former client of Brenda’s writes, “I came to GIM after having been in traditional therapy for 4 years regarding childhood abuse.  I had learned new boundaries, new skills for life, and had cried a lot. But,I still had a deep feeling of despair.  A friend told me about GIM and I began to do sessions.  What happened next enabled me to go into that feeling of despair and walk through it, to find a whole new world on the other side.  After carrying that despair for decades, I was able to step into a new peace and serenity.   GIM helped me reach a deeper emotional level than the talk therapy was ever able to do”. Elaine N., client

The depth of the training, is both profound on a personal level and astoundingly effective on a professional one.  I feel most fortunate to have learned this method from the Atlantis Institute.    Diane Davis, GIM Therapist